Winter is here and that can mean less than ideal weather ahead. Make sure your cab has everything you need to stay safe on the roads.
Make sure to have these items in your truck: Windshield Scraper - always keep a sturdy scraper on hand to scrape off ice and ensure maximum visibility on the road. Kitty Litter/Salt - These items are great for traction and really make a difference is slippery situations. Warm Clothes - You probably know this but it is so important to have warm clothes with you. Jackets, gloves, hats, sweaters, socks and waterproof boots are all great items. Sturdy boots/shoes - cold weather mixed with snow and ice can make the simplest tasks difficult. Maintain three points of contact when entering and exiting the cab to help keep you on your feet when it’s slippery out. Cell phone - make sure your cell phone is charged and don’t leave it in the vehicle for extended periods of time. Cell phone batteries can freeze in extremely cold weather. Tool Kit - keep a toolkit on you at all times. You never know when you’re gonna need it. Keep it organized and easily accessible. Foldable shovel - when the snow comes, it is always a good idea to have a shovel handy. Flashlights and batteries - flashlights and batteries are helpful to have at any point during the year.
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November 2024